Sunday, August 12, 2018

 First we start with HTML's Introduction & Basic

 Why we  learn  Html,Css first then Javascript?

  • Depends what you want to learn, But if you want to create websites so of course start with  Html and CSS so you can become familiar with how to setup and layout basic web pages using the markup langauge,then you can start with javascript.These are the very basic structure of creating web pages.
  •  The role of HTML is to inform a web browser about how the content contained within an HTML file is structured. 
  • HTML is a formal recommendation by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and is generally adhered to by all major web browsers, including both desktop and mobile web browsers. HTML5 is the latest version of the specification.


 What is HTML?

  • First of all HTML stands for 'Hyper Text Markup Language'.
  •  Hypertext is the text which contains links to other texts. Html (Hypertext Markup Language) is a text-based approach to describing how content contained within an HTML file is structured.  
  • This markup tells a web browser how to display the text, images and other forms of multimedia on a webpage. 
  • HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages & the elements are represented by tags such as "heading", "paragraph", "table", and so on but in browsers do not display the HTML tags.


Variations of HTML:

 In the early days of the world wide web, marking up text-based documents using HTML syntax was more than sufficient to facilitate the sharing of academic documents and technical memos.
Version        Year
HTML 1991
HTML 2.0 1995
HTML 3.2 1997
HTML 4.01 1999
XHTML 2000
HTML5 2014
  HTML5 is the latest version of the specification.

Here we work with the latest version,HTML5

How to use and implement HTML:

Two thing  you need to use and implement Html ,one is text editor other is web browswe.

  HTML is completely text-based, an HTML file can be edited simply by opening it up in a program such as Notepad++,Sublime (PC) or TextEdit (Mac) or any text editor can be used to create or edit an HTML file and, so long as the file is created with a .html extension, any web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, will be capable of displaying the file as a webpage.

Follow the steps,

Step 1:

Download notepad++(or any text editor) according to your pc or mac.

Step 2:

open it and go to the File->New File->write some codes
For an example:

 Step 3:

Save the file on your computer. Select File -> Save as in the Notepad++ menu.

Step 4:

View the HTML Page in Your Browser double click on the file, or right-click - and choose "Open with".

This is the basically output whatever we want to show in browser ,which wrote in text editor but one thing if you notice that when this HTML snippet is rendered in a browser, the HTML tags impact how each HTML element is displayed on the page, but none of the HTML tags or attributes are displayed. HTML simply describes how to render the content. The HTML itself is never displayed to the end user.

HTML Tags:

 HTML tags are element names surrounded by angle brackets such as....
 HTML tags normally come in pairs like <html> and </html>,the first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag.
The end tag is written like the start tag, but with a forward slash inserted before the tag name.

Every tags are used for specific task some are written below:
  • The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines this document to be HTML5
  • The <html> element is the root element of an HTML page
  • The <head> element contains meta information about the document
  • The <title> element specifies a title for the document
  • The <body> element contains the visible page content
  • The <h1> element defines a large heading
  • The <p> element defines a paragraph
  Later we will discuss about these tags in more details......



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